(2010-12-23) – What I Want for Christmas and the Cloud — What I want for Christmas 2010: 1. A promise from Gartner that they’ll never mention Cloud again. Please, go screw up other parts of the business, but leave Cloud alone. 2. An admission by Private Cloud vendors that if it’s onsite, unmeasured, and has …
Motorola presents Tablet Evolution
I am impressed by this video
New Version Of Lotus Notes Traveler for Android
CIO (2010-12-14) – IBM is ready to ship an Android-comparable new version of its push-based email software Lotus Notes Traveler. New client software will give access to email, calendar and contacts on any Android version 2.x-based smartphones or tablet. Lotus Notes Traveler is already compatible with Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Version of Traveller …
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Backup Your Exchange Email to Google
Google has introduced yesterday (12/10/2010) the Google Message Continuity, a cloud-based email continuity solution. A new service from Google will ensure you always have access to your email, even when your Exchange server is down. “Google Message Continuity works by replicating email accounts hosted on Microsoft® Exchange Servers in the cloud, using Gmail, Calendar and …
Facebook For a Corporate World
Finally a few words about IBM and social networking. Based on what I read in the Facebook for Work article, Lotus Notes Connections is for companies with 10,000 or more employees. Again, the product is being advertised to the enterprise size businesses. Wondering what drives that, is that a price or a functionality? My next thought …
Securing Government Internet Traffic is a Tough Task
Associated Press via Google (2010-12-05) – Department of Homeland Security estimates that 2,400 network connections used every day by millions of federal workers. The process of securing government sites is slow. The recent WikiLeaks release of more than 25,000 very sensitive government documents defines new challenges for Home Security agencies. read more …
Why would the government agency move off Lotus Notes?
I am really shocked by that news. Actually not really shocked, just a bit disappointed that General Services Administration, the federal agency that provides goods and services to other agencies and manages public buildings is moving from IBM Lotus Notes to Gmail and Google Apps for Government (I even did not know this existed). Based on InformationWeek …
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5 open source groupware suites to watch
ComputerWorld (2010-11-30) – Messaging and groupware is at the heart of business and applications most people use everyday. While the big names like Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes and Google Apps are increasing their influence, enterprises have several viable open source options. Of course, there plenty of complaints about the quirks and complications of the bi- …
What needs to be done to move Outlook users to Lotus Notes
I am not surprised to see multiple news articles all over internet on the topic of many companies and enterprises moving from IBM Lotus Notes mail to either MS Exchange /MS Cloud computing or moving to Gmail cloud. We all know that Microsoft is alway doing a great job in marketing its product and what I don’t …
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Is Google going after providing free high-speed fiber internet?
Would it be great if Google started to provide absolutelly free high-speed internet to communities around the US? Who would refuse? And what Verizon would say about it ? read more …