Brand Reputation Mistakes That Could Cost Your Company

How the public sees your company is important. Brand reputation is crucial to making your business successful. Many companies will confuse brand reputation for their image or their identity. These two are essential aspects of a company, but they are not the same as your reputation. Brand reputation can be defined as how the public …

The 3 Benefits A CRM Brings To Your Small Business

If you are not familiar with the term CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, let’s make the explanation as simple as possible: It’s a system that helps your small business improve its relationship with existing customers. At the same time, it is also great for finding new prospects and, of course, winning back those who …

How Should IT Support Be Offered During The Lockdown

While many businesses move their activity online during the lockdown and everybody is working remotely, in an attempt to stop the coronavirus from spreading, there are a few activities that still require the actual presence of a person to complete them. One of them is IT support, whether we’re talking about troubleshooting or hardware issues. …