Email and collaboration

IBM Lotus® Domino® software to help improve user efficiency through intelligent email, calendaring and contact management – all within a modern, easy to use client interface.

Lotus Notes software helps users manage the tasks and actions implicitly imbedded within simple email. Email can be flagged by its relative importance; follow up dates can be set for when a reply is needed or an action is to be completed by, and alarms can be set to remind the recipient of an impending follow up. Messages can be signed and encrypted to help verify sender authenticity and protect confidential data. And, an email sent in error can be recalled – even if its recipients have already read it.

Speed email construction with automatic spell check – highlighting errors as users type. A type-ahead feature matches user input with their most recent contacts for fast addressing.
View your inbox by conversation, where threads of related email – even those that have been deleted – are grouped together for a clear view of the topic under discussion, and replies that have been made.

Open email in individual tabs or separate windows. Quickly scan email through either a horizontal or vertical preview pane.


Calendar and scheduling.

Quickly schedule meetings, appointments, and reminders across multiple time zones. Invite required and optional attendees, and secure meeting resources such as a conference room and audio/visual equipment, all within a single invitation.

Select meeting times based on the availability of all or just required attendees. Users can accept or decline meeting invitations, propose alternate times, or delegate attendance to a colleague.

See a daily, weekly, or monthly view of calendars, and see a day-at-a- glance view through the always-available sidebar. Elect to also display rescheduled and unprocessed meeting invitations, as well as those confirmed, on the calendar.


Contact management.

Contact information within Lotus Notes 8 software helps users keep their network of colleagues close at hand, and enables them to quickly find people with key job responsibilities.

Maintain a variety of personal and professional data for a contact, including a photograph, and organize them in related groups and categories. Display a simplified view of a contact with just those fields where data is entered.
Access contacts through sorted lists, or a view of business cards that show basic contact information.

Use contacts to address email and meeting invitations, and chat via integrated instant messaging. View all recent collaborations with a contact to quickly find needed information.