Here is an error one of my demo clients has been having since a week ago: “ERROR 1008: Your LotusLive servers are down for maintenance. We should have them running shortly.” This Error is the most recent one. The user has not had an access to LotusLive Notes since about a month ago. Prior to this one, …
Microsoft Online Service has Been Down for a Few Hours
I hope that today’s Microsoft Online Services outage has nothing to do with the Microsoft buying Skype for $8.5B. Nevertheless, the outage started at approximatively 12:00 PM EST and has not been resolved yet (it’s 5:20 PM). The Microsoft Online Services tech support could not provide ETA at this time. The outage is affecting Exchange Online and …
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LotusLive vs Microsoft Cloud
During the past few weeks I have been reviewing two systems from the major Cloud offering players: IBM LotusLive and Microsoft Cloud (Offic365). Below is a table which I compiled based on my application review and interactions with the support personal. My intent is simply to compare two competing product lines based on my personal …