Turning Clicks Into Clients: Mastering Website Design For Maximum Conversions

Understanding and implementing several core principles of website design is key to designing a website that effectively converts visitors into customers. Whether you’re a local business in Clearwater or a global enterprise, the goal is to create a seamless, engaging experience that guides users toward taking desired actions, such as making a purchase, filling out …

What needs to be done to move Outlook users to Lotus Notes

I am not surprised to see multiple news articles all over internet on the topic of many companies and enterprises moving from IBM Lotus Notes mail to either MS Exchange /MS Cloud computing or moving to Gmail cloud. We all know that Microsoft is alway doing a great job in marketing its product and what I don’t …

Well-known molecule may be behind alcohol’s benefits to heart health

ScienceDaily (2010-11-18) — Many studies support the assertion that moderate drinking is beneficial when it comes to cardiovascular health, and for the first time scientists have discovered that a well-known molecule, called notch, may be behind alcohol’s protective effects. Down the road, this finding could help scientists create a new treatment for heart disease that …

Will Facebook take over the corporate email?

Good question: Will Facebook eventually take over the corporate email. I think there is a very good possibility of it. Google is becoming another large corporate machine with all related to this rank attributes. The main email stakeholders, IBM and Microsoft are already large corporate companies and will not be able to catchup Facebook, a new and very fast runner. …

Supporting Obama’s Campaign Against Outsourcing

I am moved by the article in [InformationWeek]. For once I am actually supporting  the White House in regards to the outsourcing policy. That’s the title of the article “Global CIO: President Obama’s Dangerous Campaign Against Outsourcing” and then subtitle “For every U.S. job outsourcing displaces, it creates two new ones—so why is the White House …