This letter is my recommendation for IB Systems. Until just recently, I have been IB Systems client for a full year. I found the company personnel to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile. Besides being a joy to work with, Igor Bubis, the head of the company is a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits of the proposed technology. Under Igor’s supervision several applications have been successfully developed, which are used by more than 6 000 employees worldwide. The development of these databases resulted in overall group efficiency, they improved the communication channel amongst more than 144 offices, and helped GL&E to distribute all Global materials to all firm network members. During IB Systems’ term, we saw a positive increase in the usage of all Global L&E databases, received many satisfaction letters from senior stakeholders, and were able to significantly improve many Global L&E process thanks to new design and functionality improvements implemented by IB Systems. IB Systems employes people who are very responsible, dedicated to meet deadline by working extra time if necessary, and he is very innovative and not afraid to think out side the box. Though IB Systems was an asset to my group, and Igor was also extraordinarily helpful in other line of services of the company. I highly recommend IB Systems for employment. IB Systems developers are team players and would make a great asset to any organization.