Backup Your Exchange Email to Google

Google has introduced yesterday (12/10/2010) the Google Message Continuity, a cloud-based email continuity solution.  A new service from Google will ensure you always have access to your email, even when your Exchange server is down.

“Google Message Continuity works by replicating email accounts hosted on Microsoft® Exchange Servers in the cloud, using Gmail, Calendar and Contacts. If the Microsoft® Exchange Server fails, or requires scheduled maintenance or downtime, all you have to do is log into Gmail and continue regular, up-to-date email communication through Google. Since Gmail and Microsoft® Exchange are constantly synchronized with each other, you can seamlessly switch from one email environment to the other. Additionally, features such assynchronous replication that are built into Google’s architecture help ensure that your data won’t be lost at any point while being delivered to you with maximum efficiency.”

Wondering if this will work with IBM Lotus Notes email.


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