Back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, Lotus Notes, also known as IBM Notes or IBM Domino was a collection of pretty much a server, email database, and application platform for collecting, sharing, and storing data. Ironically, due to it’s common inability to be merged or translated into today’s common server modules and office software it continues to remain ‘popular’, or at least forcefully existent upon many companies and individuals that happened to have relied on it in the past and now have to continue to do so. In fact, Lotus Notes as a database can still cost upwards of $100.00 (as much as $150.00 per client seat) to purchase to-date, which is very surprising, considering the newer server options available and other data platforms which are much more advanced or universally compatible for business and personal use are a fraction of this cost.
Lotus Notes at one time were also used to build websites, although today’s average modern user will more consistently rely on a website or service such as WordPress and platforms like Sharepoint for enhanced convenience, compatibility, and overall simplicity in comparison to the surprisingly still existent Lotus Notes server and database works and applications or features.
Unfortunately, and one of the main reasons why individuals and consumer businesses cannot convert or retire their Lotus Notes server and data, is because the transition and translation of all the embedded links and data formed by the IBM Domino server and data-feature are extremely time-consuming, if at all possible. That is, as it’s very difficult to transition or convert this data over to other technology platforms. Ironically enough, this IBM Lotus Notes/Domino client-server software even included and continues to offer the ability to create and utilize a personal and or business email based database, although less impressive in today’s world of technology.
Building collaborative applications, data software or platforms, and email servers and services is becoming more and more common, accessible, and affordable in today’s modern world of technology. While continued utilization of IBM Notes seems necessary for some, inevitably a transition to other servers, software, and databases is inevitably imminent, and for good reason. As with all things in the world of technology, one must come to an end for another great beginning to present itself. Migration will be supported through a continued consumer and business focus on practicality, profitability, and overall utilization of such client applications to-date.