[2011-01-11] – IBM announced today that multiple hospitals throughout Russia have switched from paper-based medical systems to a new solution from IBM and Complex Medical Information Systems (C-MIS) to provide fast electronic medical record exchange and unified access to many types of healthcare data, allowing doctors and medical staff to share information and access tests and lab results instantly to improve decision making.
Russians after considering IBM, Oracle and Microsoft platforms have chosen IBM Lotus Domino. “We selected Lotus Domino because it is a multiplatform solution and it can be implemented with various operating systems to ensure flexibility in addressing the IT challenges faced by medical institutions.” said CEO of Complex Medical Information Systems.
IBM Lotus Notes/Domino is still popular in Russia as many banks, and other financial institutions favorite IBM technology over Microsoft. The move by Russians to adapt IBM technology may play well with recently announced plan by Mr. Putin to move Russian government agencies off the proprietary software over to the free open source. Lotus Notes and Domino platform runs on various Linux operating systems.
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