Great video explaining what LotusLive complete collaboration suite is about by LotusLiveServices. It does everything you need to make you productive and forget about support and maintenance of your in house IT environment. And it only cost $10 per user per month. Watch the video.
LotusLive Offers BlackBerry Hosted Service
Great news for the LotusLive community. As of 2/22/2011 IBM LotusLive Notes 1.3 gets the additional hosted service offering for BlackBerry Enterprise Server, both with and without optional Mobile Data Services from RIM. LotusLive Notes subscription also supports Traveler application via Apple iPhone and iPad, Windows Mobile, Nokia Symbian and Android devices. Source: IBM
Should Government Migrate IT to the Cloud?
Do you think our government should migrate IT systems to the cloud? I really don’t think so. I do trust the cloud technology per say but not enough to put the national security in hands of the cloud no matter what company or companies are managing the cloud environment. When it come to the national …
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Is Facebook phone a Reality?
Photo credit: Who would think that there will be a phone with the Facebook-based operating system? The UK-based INQ company has unveiled the first Facebook phone that has been designed in conjunction with the team behind the popular social network. The INQ phone is based on the Android platform. INQ has been making phones …
Watson Wins Jeopardy
Yep, IBM Watson bit two great Jeopardy players today. IBM’s super computer, named “Watson” after IBM’s founder Thomas J. Watson, finished 3 day tournament winning $77.147. Ken Jennings who broke the Jeopardy record for the most consecutive games played by winning 74 games in a raw during 2004 – 2005 season came in second winning …
Get Certification if You Plan to Resell Lotus Notes
Based on CRN, IBM will require training and certification for resellers of a number of the vendors’ Lotus messaging and collaboration products, channel partners were told at Lotusphere 2011 conference in Orlando earlier this month. Great idea IBM! I’m 100% agree that Lotus messaging resellers need to be competent in what they are reselling. This would save …
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What is LotusLive Cloud?
IBM has introduced LotusLive in 2009 and since that has been building its reputation and portfolio. IBM’s LotusLive cloud environment not only competes with Microsoft and Google Cloud but provides more features in its offerings. LotusLive is a business networking and collaboration internet-based services hosted by IBM and integrates following services together: IBM LotusLive Notes service …
Lotusphere 2011: LotusLive is a Direction Small Business Needs to Follow
The Lotusphere 2011 was closed on 2/3/11 and I am still trying to organize my thoughts on a lot if information presented at the conference. The first thought that come to my mind is the Lotusphere’s 1 slogan “Go Social. Do Business”. It well defines the latest trend across all industry segments and applies to …
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Lotusphere 2011 is over
The closing session was as usual, a formal thank you for visiting #LS11. The Watson’s demo went for about a half an hour and was very cool. I was able to make a few minute video of it with my iPhone. Sorry if the video quality is a bit low. I will try to resubmit …