Konica-Minolta sell much of their hardware at the higher end of the market, in fact much of it they lease as is common with more expensive equipment for businesses large and small. Leasing may work well for both Konica Minolta as an alternative to financing and work well for clients who do not wish to invest in expensive equipment that they may soon have to replace. Konica Minolta though do have to manage the customers’ leases for the 100,000 or so pieces of equipment that are hired. This means a lot of paper work, even if it isn’t literally paperwork but using a business process management system and the work of managing the contract: 2000 new contracts and renewals each month making it more like a custom built piece of software. Without an adaptable system in place to deal with these contracts in an efficient and intuitive manner it has been heavy work for the 70 staff based in France who had to complete this work. Previously Konica Minolta relied on Lotus Notes that itself is versatile enough to be used in many different business applications. Lotus notes though was still not as adaptable as Konica Minolta needed with something that was almost custom built: instead though Konica-Minolta have opted for a BonitaSoft business process management system. This was in fact developed using the architecture used with Lotus Notes by Konica Minoilta but the Bonitasoft system is open source. This means it is easy to change and adapt to the purposes of the business and makes it more like a custom built business process management system but without the cost and without the need to start from scratch with a totally new architecture and system for staff to learn. Many businesses now are likewise opting for BonitaSoft’s solution and migrating from Lotus Notes, 200 it seems are currently being migrated to the system