Could Facebook fragment web?

According to [], Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites represent “one of several threats” to the future of the world wide web. Some of the web’s “most successful inhabitants”, such as Facebook and large telecoms companies, have begun to “chip away” at its founding principles, Berners-Lee wrote in a Scientific American journal essaypublished today. Social networking sites …

What needs to be done to move Outlook users to Lotus Notes

I am not surprised to see multiple news articles all over internet on the topic of many companies and enterprises moving from IBM Lotus Notes mail to either MS Exchange /MS Cloud computing or moving to Gmail cloud. We all know that Microsoft is alway doing a great job in marketing its product and what I don’t …

Will Facebook take over the corporate email?

Good question: Will Facebook eventually take over the corporate email. I think there is a very good possibility of it. Google is becoming another large corporate machine with all related to this rank attributes. The main email stakeholders, IBM and Microsoft are already large corporate companies and will not be able to catchup Facebook, a new and very fast runner. …


Good news for Lotus Notes technology and I hope to see more news like that.  Just read on [] The  survey team from Sweden “carried out a survey and the finding of this global survey showed the increasing demand for Outlook email to Lotus Notes conversion tools by many enterprises as they think of using Lotus …

New wireless body-to-body network based on people

[CBCnews] published a new idea “People could be base of new wireless network. People carrying sensors on their person or in their smartphones and other devices could become the backbone of a powerful new mobile network, Irish researchers say. Individuals seamlessly connected through signals transmitted by these sensors could improve mobile communications and reduce the …