IBM is very confident that its proprietary computerized applications ‘Domino’ and ‘Lotus Notes’ will again become relevant to their steadfast users, thanks to its signing a deal with HCL. Both HCL and ‘Big Blue’ have finalized developmental plans for Notes/Domino package. Since the day IBM disclosed that the Indian IT major would oversee onward development of the former’s groupware, both companies have organized an extensive tour comprising a total of 22 brick-and-mortar conferences and four webinars.
The minutes of the conclaves that witnessed the congregation of about 2000 people coupled with findings of the experimentations in the lab were shared with loyal customers and users of Lotus Notes. The idea conveyed to the faithful users was that HCL as well as IBM strongly felt that Notes was poised for a comeback and retrieve its lost glory. Both conglomerates were of the opinion that the application portfolio, following a revamp, would once again come in handy for solving teamwork-oriented business problems.
Company executives of Big Blue and HCL revealed that the 10th edition of Lotus Notes which will be unveiled sometime in 2018 will mark the beginning step in achieving the above goal. Participants in a particular webinar were informed that the 11th version of the software was already in the planning stages. The firms also announced that they had a lot of catching up to do before the ultimate objective could be on the path of realization.
Webinar attendees were updated that version 10 was actually the first step in the strategy or tactical approach undertaken to make the ‘Domino 2025’ groupware fully operational. ‘Domino 2025’ was expected to offer users an unprecedented and unparalleled first-rate mailing experience. Technicians are also working on making Notes fully compatible with mobile devices, for customized apps as well as mails. Making the application suitable for chats across the net and loading an intuitive team calendar were also on the cards.
Users have been also been updated on arrangements on releasing the apps and about plans on developing apps exclusively for iPads. Attendees who attended the conferences organized in different venues had forwarded their pleas for enhancing scalability of the applications portfolio. Therefore, the professionals now have one more aspect to fine-tune and they will soon be taking this up as well.
Web designers and developers have been assured that they might be able to carry out operations in JavaScript, node JS and other state-of-the- art systems that take advantage of the open-source ecosystem. Soothing APIs are also in the pipeline with information deliverance to both SaaS (software as a service) and enterprise application software. All these big promises make it look as if Lotus Notes will be perfectly in tune with contemporaneity instead of simply tending to be a forward leap.
However that quantum jump to modernity is not happening anytime now and will have to wait till the version 11 of Notes is released. Version 11 has all the trappings of a modern-day application software-artificial intelligence, analytics, and machine-learning framework and interface. Spokespersons of IBM notified about database innovation-the Notes Storage Facility (NSF) database which was regarded as the authentic NoSQL database were considered amenable for innovation. Users have also been given word that they may be able to witness more specifics of Notes 10 in the upcoming IBM Think Conference that was scheduled to be held in the US. The users will also be kept informed about further revelations throughout the year. Although a release or launch date for the Notes 10 is yet to be finalized and/or announced, users in a webinar were requested to offer their opinion on the Q3 releases.
IB Systems, Inc. has over 20 years of experience in support and maintenance of Lotus Notes application and can assist you with any support and maintenance needs. Visit their website if you need to setup a free consultation.