Emails are one source of communication that will not go out of style. Throughout the epidemic, email has provided companies a way to reach out to their customers. But if you are sending emails that are annoying to your customers, they are doing more harm than good. Here is some of the best email advice that you can use for your company.
How many times have you received an email that was in all capital letters? When people see emails or texts written in all caps, they assume the person is yelling. Sometimes all capital emails occur because our finger accidentally pushes the caps lock button. And you may not and chances are if you look at your fingers while typing instead of the screen, you may not notice until you have a whole paragraph typed out. So you go back and erase everything you wrote to fix it. Not only is this wasting precious time you could use for something else, but you could easily forget to add something in your message if you are forced to erase it.
The good thing is that you can easily change this with a simple trick. Many are not aware of this email advice, so feel free to share it with all your co-workers. Simply hold down on the shift button after highlighting the text that needs to be changed to lower letters. Then click on F3. This will immediately make any capital text into lower case. It also works by changing lowercase to upper case. You may use this in Outlook, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft programs.
If you are a slow typer, one of the best email advice tidbits we can offer you is to speak it. This saves you much irritation when mistakes occur. No matter what device you use for your emails, you can simply speak and your email will be written. If you have a tablet or a smartphone, look for the small microphone symbol. Click on it, say what you wish to be written, and watch it appear on the screen. You will also need to say your punctuation, such as period, exclamation point, or comma. If you use this program, you will need to speak clearly and enunciate your words. You can talk fast if you wish, but just make sure you are understandable.
You can also speak on Windows using the Cortana assistant. If you use G-mail, you may wish to use one of the free Chrome browser extensions.
It is crucial to send emails at the right time. How many times have you received either an email or phone call and was turned off because it was the wrong time? Maybe you received a phone call from a telemarketer on a Sunday or were called after an acceptable hour at night. Chances are, you were not super happy, so you did not care about what the person on the other end was selling or talking about. The same goes for email. There are certain times of the day that are better to have your email read.
It can be a trick to figure out when to send an email. Some say right in the morning is most beneficial, but others say right before or right after lunch. Honestly, what works for one company may not work the best for another. Our email advice from Pure360, which is an email marketing firm, says that sending an email before 10 am is a good time. They also feel that between 2 and 3 in the afternoon works well, along with between 7 and10 pm.
If you will not be available to send emails at these times, you can always schedule your emails to be sent at the correct times. An example of this is that Outlook has an option to delay delivery by clicking options after composing a message, the tap on delay delivery. The final step is to tap on do not deliver before.
If you are still uncertain about what email advice to follow, consider contacting IB Systems USA. With a professional service on your side, you can be sure that your emails will be sent at the best times in the most professional manner possible.