Less Development Time, Better User Experience – Agencies’ Focus For 2020

Despite developing advanced websites, alongside fool and apps, for both and internal and external use, governmental agencies are also facing several problems. Integrating with legacy systems, as well as following specific guidelines regarding security and software are just some of them. But this isn’t the biggest downside, as such organizations can benefit from low-code tools, …

How Local Search Rankings For Lawyers Actually Work

Ok, so you already know about the importance of having your practice on Google and already have a My Business page. That’s great, you’re on the right track! Still, there are a few things you don’t exactly understand about local optimization, like why your firm appears very well in SERPs when you’re performing searches from …

The 6 Marketing Trends You Should Care About In 2020

2020 is already here and we’re all looking forward to finding out more about the marketing trends which will dominate. After all, in order to always obtain the best results, you need to remain up to date with everything new, considering that we’re talking about an ever-changing topic. Sure, we’re all aware that technologies like …

Why You Should Have A Mobile App For Your Business In 2020

How many times have you heard “there’s an app for that”? Probably quite a lot, since mobile apps are already considered one of the best tools for reaching the audience when it comes to business. After all, a big percent of the adult population has a smartphone and this number is expected to grow seriously …

This Is Why Angular Should Be Your First Choice For App Development!

“Mobile first” is clearly a trend that’s going to dominate web development for a few years from now one and a lot of companies are considering it when creating new apps. And even though creating a mobile-friendly app can be relatively easy, as long as you have the right team, picking the right platform for …

The Top 3 Benefits A Mobile App Brings To Your Business

You’ve heard it hundreds of times: “There’s an app for that!” With technology evolving so quickly, smartphones are no longer something only a few can afford and app developers are exploiting this to the max, coming with new titles faster than we can think. And business owners are among those who are happy to see …

The Main Benefits Of Angular And TypeScript You Should Know About

Before jumping into any kind of new technology, it’s highly recommended to spend a bit of time trying to find out about its pluses and minuses. And the same goes for a new framework, as you should start by finding out as much information as possible about aspects like app maintenance, change requests, its longevity …